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MAA Event Stories and Galleries


This section of our site is dedicated to stories, photos, trip diaries, and shared moments of our events of and by the participants themselves, MAA Staff, and the Media. We hope you enjoy this up-close and personal thumbnail of our adventures on the open road!

  MAA Trivia and Historical Anecdotes Tidbits of interesting information and strage facts that have found themselves into our past events.
  MAA Event Memorabilia Collection A small catalog of items produced and collected over the years.
MAA Event Staff Vehicles The shiny new Ford cars that paced and supported MAA events, gratis of our generous sponsors. Do you own one and dont know it yet?

2004: MAA 40th Anniversary Drive

40th Anniversary Video Archive! View clips of the video documentary that chronicled this historic event!

A 40th Anniversary Travelogue - By Randi Briggs A day-by-day log of a California couple's trip to the big show in Nashville. Great insight from veteran participants of five MAA drives. Photos!

The Ride of My Life - By Richard Liverani An adventure from Nevada to Nashville and back that takes Richard and his wife places he always wanted to go and some places he didnt. Lots of excellent photos.

A Recollection From The Road - By Doug Gompertz After the trip, Doug and Linda Gompertz reflect on the roadtrip they spent with their grandson.

The Making of MAA 2004 - By Sam Haymart The story of how the 40th Anniversary Drive came to fruition, and the challenges leading up to April 17th, 2004

2003: Bullitt Rallye

Event Coverage and Gallery A small group of enthusiasts from all over California and as far away as Utah map out thier wild scheme through the streets of San Francisco to win a day's bounty.

2003: Knotts Drive

Event Coverage and Gallery By Sam Haymart The first MAA event in several years awakens the thirst for the road. A one day trek proves a successful practice run for a new event format.

Knotts Drive Compilation A short video shot and produced by participant Luke Woodward. (Quicktime-10mb).

Sidebar: Press Release - New MAA Format Passes Test. A follow up news release regarding the success of the new drive/convoy planning format tested on the Knotts Drive.

1996: Vegas to Atlanta Drive

Mustangs Monthly Article: "3000 Mile Stampede" By Jerry Pitt and Mary Jean Wesche. Multiple page expose on the record breaking 1996 event.

Event Gallery A few of the rescued photos from the event.

Amarillo Globe News Coverage By Shae Dodson Local story of our stop in Texas.

On the Right Side By Sam Haymart A road experience driving a right-hand drive Mach 1 from Australia during the drive.

1995: North to Seattle Drive

MAA Coverage and Gallery By Sam Haymart As covered in the Summer 1995 issue of Mustangs Across America magazine.

1994: MAA 30th Anniversary Drive

Tony Sousa's '65 Shelby GT-350 1994 side-bar article from MAA 1994 Event Coverage in Mustangs Monthly by Jerry Pitt.

More to come..............


Have a story you'd like to share? Let us know!

• MAA Alumni planning 2007 Caravan drive to Mustang, OK for the MCA National show in April!

From TheMustangNews.com:


Shelby GT-H "Rent-A-Racers" headed to dealers! ►Story

Jack's Toys Video Series

Mustang builder, NASCAR kingpin and engineer gives weekly video tour of his personal museum. ►Full Story

Win Carroll Shelby's 40th Anniversary 2007 GT-500!

Another big Win-A-Shelby car giveaway is underway. You can really win and support a great cause too! ►Full Story




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